Updated: Apr 12, 2024
What a gift!
There is none greater, no rival, no equal, and no measuring its true worth.
A gift that is available, waiting to be received, opened, and enjoyed.
The paradox of this gift is profound, swaddling as tightly as a newborn baby with love and security while gloriously freeing like an unrestrained calf released from its stall!
I will spend a lifetime in humble pursuit of the Pursuer Who freely bestows and offers this gift to me and all who will receive it.
This gift defines how God sees us, denies the enemy’s hold on us, defies the gravitational pull of this world and our proneness to sin, and destines us for greatness.
This gift begins with Christ, ends with Christ, and is held together by Christ.
His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension purchased this profound grace.
His love compels me, and His kindness overwhelms me, but His gift of grace undoes me!
My life story is one of grace, and my life‘s passion is Christ Jesus, Who is Grace.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Sherri Rhea Ownby